We will replace your current stock of competing disposable air water syringe tips with free Starz Tipz® when you place your first order of a Pro pack (1350 air water syringe tips) or more. Therefore, there is no reason for you to wait. This program is done directly through us and just requires a few simple steps, as outlined below.
(U.S. Customers) Please click on the Order Now button. You will be directed to the store, where you can place your order and fill out he simple X-Change form. When we send you your order, we will include a call tag so you can ship us your current supply of eligible disposable air water syringe tips.
(European Customers) Please go to our on-line store and place your order. If you are currently using a disposable air water syringe tip, click on the X-Change icon at the bottom of your order. Fill out the form and email it back to sales@starztipz.com
Whether you are switching from another disposable air water syringe tip, or want to convert from your autoclavable air water syringe tip, Starz Tipz® provides you air water syringe adapters for all your air water syringes when you convert.
Whether you are switching from another disposable air water syringe tip, or want to convert from your autoclavable air water syringe tip, Starz Tipz® provides you air water syringe adapters for all your air water syringes when you convert.
When you place your first order for at least a Pro Pack (1350 air water syringe tips), we will deliver them to you. Once your order is received, you will send back your remaining competing disposable air water syringe tips (up to 1350). When we receive your competing air water syringe tips we will then send you an equal number of Starz Tipz® FOR FREE!
When we send your initial order of air water syringe tips, we will include a call tag and pick up your current supply, bring them back to our office and send you your FREE Starz Tipz®. If you ordered through your dealer, please send your current supply of air water syringe tips to:
NOTE: Be sure to include copy of your paid invoice in the box.
Send your current supply of tips to one of the following addresses:
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently uploading new and exciting rewards.
CONTACTPlease contact a Starz Tipz® sales representative for any question or inquiries.